Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sept 24th Trails Day: The Mad River Trail
A small but enthusiastic crew [Gary Moak, Marianne Peckham, Barbara Forsberg and Dan Newton], set out around 8:15AM from the West Branch Road trailhead to clear the washdowns from the Mad River Trail. At right, they hoist one of several logs that were pasted against the shoreline where the West Branch Footbridge abutment once used to be.
The WVAIA chain saw made its first appearance in many moons, and the bow saws and pruning saws, loppers, and all hands on deck, made fast work of the tree debris.
In addition to the West Branch Footbridge that is out, there is a significant section of the trail that has been obliterated. The positioning of the trail on the outside of a turn [just above the WV "Town Beach" behind High Country condos], means a riverside trail will continually be vulnerable to high water damage. It may be decided to relocate the trail in this section.