Overgrowth at the hairpin turn was no match for the tenacious crew. The trail, a delightful strolling amble up the foothills of East Osceola, will be in fine shape for the upcoming WVAIA hike, August 6th. This hike, with two leaders, offers the option, for those who are feeling adventurous, of continuing past the terminus of the trail on a unique extended ramble up a bootleg trail to a great view of four different cliffs, as you sit on a stone bench and watch the breeze filter through the leaves of the paper birch trees...
A MUST hike for anyone who thought they'd been everywhere on the Waterville Valley trail system! To register, email us at wvaiatrails@gmail.com.
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The day's crew: Mike and Claudia Connelly [left]; and, Gary Moak and Brenda Conklin [right]. Photograph by Dan Newton |
Next Trails Day: September 24th