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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Dan's North Slide Adventure

RIGHT: View of the North Slide from the Scaur Ridge Trail. After three hours of hiking, we decided to continue to Pine Bend Brook Trail, despite the poor snow coverage. Snow line was about half way up the Scaur Ridge Trail. In the sun, it was hot, and the prospect of skiing the Slide was bleak, casting a pall of doubt over each step.

LEFT: Dan Newton and his dog Friday on Tripyramid ridge at the junction with the Pine Bend Brook trail. Later, after watching Dan ski down the strip of snow at the top of the slide, Friday schussed it, bounding straight down the face to greet his master, snow kicking up and pinwheeling and spraying out to the sides, as he slammed on the brakes, hoping for a goodie...

RIGHT: Brenda Conklin just below the summit of North Tripyramid. Still 2 to 3 feet of snow on the ridge. Thankfully, we met a pair of intrepid hikers who had cleared the Pine Bend Brook Trail of the many blowdowns leading up to the junction with the Mount Tripyramid Trail. Had they not done this, our progress would have put us at the top of the slide at 4:30PM

LEFT: During the descent, it rains, followed by a stunning rainbow arching over the slide, emblematic of the magical day...